Saturday, March 13, 2010

No Right, No Wrong

What is today?
Is today tomorrow's yesterday?
Or is it yesterday's tomorrow?

Same goes to half cup of water,
Is it half empty?
Or is it half full?

Different perspective, different opinions,
No one is exactly the same,
Unless there is two of you.
Try to fit into other people's shoes,
Our world will become a better place to stay in,
with human beings who are more caring and understanding.

Our wishes are the same,
to have a world of peace...


yangyang said... deeper thinking now! haha...believing you are on the way to another chapter of life. Everything you taste now, is just like you are drinking coffee at randomly petrol station~~haha...

bobo said...

drinking coffee at random petrol station????? ur thinking is deeper than thinking is still d same ah... =.=