Thursday, May 7, 2009

Intermediate I Result

期のICLSでにほんごのしけんでした。わたしはしけんのまえにべんきょしておわらなかったら、oralの会話まだまだだめです、ほんとにゆっくり答えてあげました。でもoralとかいてのしけんぜんぶできゅじゅご点。ともだちのなかわたしのてんはいちばんたかいでした。たいへんうれしです。度もありがとう先生!!五月二十日Intermediate IIつずけましょ~


Basically was saying that I got high marks for my Japanese Intermediate I despite I did not really answered well in my oral test. I kept asking the teacher to repeat... She was kind enough to repeat over and over again and making sure that I gave the right answer. So I guess that was why she gave me full marks for my oral test and a total of 95 marks after adding my written test. I was really happy cause for the first time I got such high marks and am still maintaining my grade A :)


stuce said...

Awesome!!!!!!!!! Congratulations! And yay be proud go celebrate! :)

bobo said...
