Monday, June 15, 2009

Well-trained Tortoises

Kuala Lumpur: Well-trained tortoises are tortoises that take good care of your pond. If any intruders go into the pond and introduce any disharmony, shall pay the price. Mr Frog, from XXX, went into 'the' pond to set up a choir, croaking all the way, was punished by the tortoises in charged, pulling its hind legs and injuring it until it was found dead a few hours later. 'Well done!', praised the tortoises' owner, 'I am indeed proud of them!'

Yes, my house's tortoises kill frogs and not only that, they eat them and left only the skin. So if I happened to see small white skin floating on the pond, I know what happened... May Mr Frog rest in peace...

p.s. I did not train them to be so evil! I'm innocent...


yangyang said...

ur tostoises is Ninja Tortoises!!!

bobo said...

hahaha..i agree.. so dun ever try to 'liao' them :)