Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Job Seeking

A call interview just took place on the spot without allowing me to prepare myself well enough to provide better answers.

I wonder is it better to be humble during interview so that the person will admire your personality. But I might make the interviwer degrade me, making myself not up to the level, not capable enough, still a lot more to learn and experience. In the call interview, the guy with strong accent asked, "How do you rate your English given the scale of 10?" I answered humbly, "Probably around 6.5?" For him, it might not be good enough to consider me.

Or maybe it is better to boast more about myself so that I will create a 'wow' and a great first time impression for the interviewer. And that I might have a better chance in getting a job offer. I might as well just lie on certain things. I mean white lies don't hurt. For example, in reality I don't really like PR but in order to get the job, I was forced to say, "I love meeting up with people, I love socializing, I love communication..." which is true, but I just don't like building up permanent, strong and good but fake relationships with the media and public. Ok, maybe I have some prejudice over PR. So that was how I white lied.

Obviously, I did not react smartly for the interview because up to now I received no news from the guy nor the company. So, teach me. Which way is better?


yangyang said...

We are not looking for intern anymore so we should behave like we have alot of experience and active in college (which is true) . Then those experience becomes our weapon when interviewing a job. U must show that u are confident towards your job ability becos they wont hand their job to one who never have confident in their ability. (that's why i still jobless...hahahha)

bobo said...

wa..u really sound very experience..hahaha..ya should be confident..but at the same time humble?like "I'm not very good in communication but I'm willing to learn?" or "I can communicate and I believe I can communicate with many different people" which one?

yangyang said...

u cant say u are not good in communication...that is rule!!! hehe