Monday, December 29, 2008

Leon on the run...

My dad went Thai for 2 nights already and my aunt suggested that the 3 of us should let our dog out for safety reason. I've never let my dog out of his cage during night time, afraid he might do some great disaster to our garden and worse, kill cats and rats. Anyway, for some reason, I let him out. For the first time! And he's now running freely outside of my house. My brother was so busy moving chairs here and there to block of this and that. Afraid that he might pee or destroy certain things such as our precious shoes! And he kept updating me about Leon's action. I suggested to him:" Must well you put Leon back into his cage and you guard the house. Save the trouble." But then I also kept nagging at my dog, telling him NOT to pee on my car!

Anyway, I'm already expecting the worst. I'll be collecting small dead bodies, washing my beloved car, seeing shit everywhere, dirty paw prints on the floor etc etc all kinds of disaster and worst... busy finding my dog......

I'm really looking forward to what will my house's outside become of tomorrow morning. If you heard some faint shouting from distance early in the morning, it might be me.

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