Monday, November 24, 2008

I became a Muslim

I became a Muslim

Nah, just for an hour...
I was asked to secure a location for the independent movie and it was a mosque.
I was adviced to bring a scarf along in case the people there want me to cover up.
Thank god I did bring one, I was told that I wore quite 'pendek' (for your information, I was wearing long sleeve and pants) and I was forced to wear a 'Jubah' and scarf (as 'tudung', both Malay wearings). I looked like a Muslim and people there couldn't tell that whether I am or I am not. I also think that I looked like a penguin with big 'jubah' and I didn't know how to wear a 'tudung' so it was kind of messy...

I had to wear 'panjang' and cover up every single part except for my face. But once I stepped out of the mosque, immediately I saw 3 tourists wearing mini skirts...

Anyway, good experience though, at least I get to know that no shaking hands or any contacts are allowed between any male and any female in their religion. Especially when it is a government place. Well, that was my first ever stepping into a mosque...

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