Saturday, November 29, 2008


Want to know how's Twilight?
Here's the rating from me, hehe...

content 9/10
casts 9/10
camera angles 7/10
locations 8.5/10
art directory 8.5/10
music 7/10 (Linkin Park's song was there because LP was the band Stephanie Meyer listened to when she was writing the novel, her favorite band)
flow 8/10
Editing 8/10 (there's some part skipped, wonder it's the cinema's problem or what)
ok, can't you see i'm trying my best to make it a total of 100? what else...
story and content the same??
story 9/10
story and script the same? Oh, never mind...
acting 9/10

hahahaha, i'm the judge so I can rate whatever I want...
it scored an A! It's 82!!! Go figure yourself it's good or not...

btw, I'm watching it the second time!!!I like when Edward Cullen smiles...

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